Monday, February 4, 2008

Why the hell am I here?

I just arrived for my 6:30 shift at 7:05 and the people at the tutoring office think I'm doing work right now. All I know is my largest contribution to the education of fellow students has been a poor drawing of Bart Simpson.
With that being said I feel like a big shot sitting in front of TWO computer monitors. I decided to document the momentous occasion with a cute picture while i was watching softcore amateur porn on the other monitor.

I made about $9.70 drawing that picture.

To make this all fit into the "Pat is Crazy" theme I went to YouTube and searched "Crazy." Neither of these videos are good, I really do apologize.

Pat is crazy.

Editor's note - Tom just walked in for the 3rd time since I've tutored here. He is my 3rd customer.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa, whoa, whoa, look at Mr. Fancy with his non-stick drawing.
