Saturday, February 6, 2010

Pat Fell for the Trap

I heard something about Crazy Pat today that I thought I would share (with nobody). Pat thought it was faster to take Highway 55 aka Hiawatha aka The Trap to get from Woodbury to the Metrodome than to take the more traditional route, I-94. Let's take a look at the map. First, the easy way, taking I-94:

As you can see, it's pretty much a straight shot. 18.1 miles in an estimated 21 minutes to get there. Now let's see Crazy Pat's route:

It's 21.9 miles. Not a huge difference, but a little bit more. But here's what makes it crazy: 55 has stop lights on it! That's why it's called the Trap! It looks like it should be faster, but it never ends up actually turning out that way. The estimated time is 35 minutes, about 150% of the much easier route. Pat is crazy.


  1. I really like this post and I'll tell you why, you put like 3 waypoints into the map because it didn't want you to take the trap

  2. I know! It didn't even come up as an optional route.
