Thursday, February 3, 2011

The "Enemy"

The other day former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair called Egyptian Dictator Hosni Mubarak "immensely courageous" and "a force for good."  I would say this woman would better fit that description.  But I digress.

Remember when we were all worked up about that bin Laden guy?  Remember him, the guy the CIA trained and funded in the 1980s to kill the Soviets?  He has yet to be brought to justice.

Did you know that Osama bin Laden is unpopular in the Arab world?  After 9/11 his popularity declined even further.  When the United States and England attacked Iraq, bin Laden's status did go up a bit, but the majority in the Arab world still stood strongly opposed to bin Laden and other extremist religious zealots, and as the years have pasted his popularity has continued to decline.

The fact is, people like Tony Blair have caused far more harm in the world, than crazies like bin Laden.  If you believe this study's numbers, a million Iraqis have been killed since 2003.  If you believe the military's numbers, disclosed by Wikileaks, over 100,000 civilians are confirmed dead.  The leaked Downing Street Memos have shown the Brits knew a bunch of what their government was telling the public about Iraq was bullshit as they were making their case for war.  As anyone who was paying attention and staying away from watching the nightly "news" knew at the time.  But, Hugh Grant played Tony Blair, so he can't be that bad of a guy, right?

The Iraq War and Western governments continuing support and aid to anti-democratic governments around the world are all about controlling the people in these countries while they exploit the people's resources for the benefit of the wealthy elite in their respective nations.  This is crime against humanity.  We must stand together against this behavior.


Noam Chomsky discusses the "most remarkable regional uprising" he can remember and the United States role in fighting progressive reform in the Arab world, and why the U.S. is supporting repressive regimes and radical Islam:

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