Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Yelling at my TV

All commercials are annoying, but usually they don't make me actively angry.  Well, Apple has changed that with their latest batch of iPhone 5 commercials.  Take this one for example:

It is the single most infuriating commercial ever produced.  "Well I guess the laws of physics are more like general guidelines."  I want to kick every person involved with this commercial directly in the balls as hard as I can.  I knew marketing people were idiots, but c'mon.  I can't even bring myself to explain what is wrong with this commercial because it is so obvious, and also painful to think about.  I never liked Apple, but now I actively dislike it.

And that commercial is just the tip of the shitberg.  There's also the "iPhone 5 screen is exactly the right size because this is the range of your thumb" commercial, which implies that Apple is the only one smart enough to realize that hand-held devices should be the size of your hands.  Also, should people with smaller hands buy the older iPhones with the smaller screens?  What about Shaq?  Is apple going to make an XL model for him?  Oh wait, that's the iPad.

Finally, is the "earphones shaped like your ears" commercial.  First off, those are not shaped like an ear, and are indubitably just as uncomfortable as any other earphone.  Second, if it's so "common sense" to make earphones that way, why'd it take you so damn long to figure it out?  Now that I think about it though, the utter smugness of this commercial perfectly matches the stereotype of Apple users, so bravo on that one, Apple marketing team.  Bravo.

Pat is crazy.

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