Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Squids Fantasy Roundup - Week 13

With the fantasy season ending soon, these last couple of weeks are critical (unless you're wallowing in last place, like me. Fucking bullshit fantasy league.) So what happened last week?

Last week was, of course, Thanksgiving so I had a nice 4 day weekend in which to relax, eat, and watch football. At least, that would have been the case had it not been for the fact that I moved to a new place on Saturday (just across town, nothing exciting). So Saturday was not exactly relaxing, but the move went fairly smoothly thanks to all the help we got from family and friend, and everything was set up enough by Sunday to enjoy the morning football games. And then (one of) the reason(s) for the move showed up: three kittens. You see, my girlfriend has wanted to get a cat for a while now (and I did too, but don't tell anyone). Her mom works at a boat harbor, and there are stray cats that they for some reason feed and take care of at the harbor. One of these harbor cats had 3 kittens a couple months ago. Now, our place did not allow pets, but our lease was ending, and so we decided that we (my girlfriend and I) would adopt 1, maybe 2 of the 3 kittens and move to a new place. Unfortunately, they were all so goddamn cute that we somehow ended up taking all 3. I now live in a madhouse. The only respite is when they're all napping, which since they are cats, is pretty much all the time. So, actually, it's not that bad.

Anyway, the highest scoring player for last week was former Minnesota Golden Gopher Eric Decker! Skiiiiiii-Uuuuuuuuuu-Mahhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Our fellow alum (is he still an alum if he didn't graduate? I don't think he did) is on Crazy Pat's team, but even the man who made Adam Weber look like a competent college quarterback (and the all-time leader in passing yards and passing TDs in Gopher history, Jesus) couldn't stop the Joe-U-ggernaut. Crazy Pat lost by nearly 40 points to Joe U. What the shit.

Current Projected Winner: Joe U

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