Friday, March 7, 2014

Oakland's Vinyl Vault - Reckless

Time to get back into the vinyl vault. This week, we look at one of the biggest album of the 1980s. Well, one of the biggest Canadian albums. It's Reckless, by Bryan Adams.

Release date: November 5, 1984
Singles: Run to You, Kids Wanna Rock, Somebody, Heaven, Summer of '69, One Night Love Affair, It's Only Love

For those of you playing at home, that's 7 singles off of this album. There are only 10 tracks total. That's an impressive ratio. All seven singles were fairly successful too.

As you might imagine, this is a very '80s record. When you listen to it, there is no question about when it was made. None. All of the songs are pretty standard '80s pop music. Strong back beat, high production values, all of that good stuff. If you're into that sort of thing, you'll enjoy this album.

Rating: 4 ['80s reference]s up - This album is an '80s party stamped onto vinyl. If you don't like that style of music, it would be rather reckless of you to buy this album.

And now, onto the important part: the music videos. According to wikipedia, there was a music video made for each of the seven singles. Yes, that's right, seven glorious mid-'80s music videos were produced by just this one album. As a side note, there are a TON of douchebags you uploaded videos of themselves covering just about every song on this album on their guitar.

Back to the music videos: I made a shocking and very important discovery watching these videos: they are all connected. They all have the same hot (well, '80s hot) chick and the same '80s douchey guy playing her boyfriend in them. There's even an imdb page for the videos! Holy shit, this is awesome. I've broken down all the videos for your convenience:

Summer of '69 - This one really has to be watched, because it's so awesome, but in summary, we learn that Eighties Hot Chick (EHC) was Bryan Adams' girl in the "Summer of '69," but they drifted apart. A quick side note: Adams has said that the "69" in the song is referring to the sex position, and not the year. Fun!

Somebody - Starts off where "Summer of '69" ends. EHC and her douchey boyfriend have a fight in the car, and EHC gets out. Meanwhile, Bryan Adams is walking through a rail yard with a dog. Douchey boyfriend convinces her to get back in the car, and they go to a stadium that really looks like the Metrodome, but is probably somewhere in Canada. And what do you know, Bryan Adams shows up and walks out on the field and the crowd loves it, for some reason, even though it's just him, no guitar or anything, walking around the middle of an otherwise empty football field.

Kids Wanna Rock - Bryan is seen coming on stage for the concert, and immediately takes off a leather jacket. He is not wearing a leather vest. This appears to be a different concert than the "Run to You" video. Also, they must have run out of budget by the time this video was made, because it's all just the concert, and EHC is not in it.

Heaven - The video opens with the douchey boyfriend taking - and failing - a roadside sobriety test. EHC, who is leaning against the car, sees that there is a Bryan Adams concert going on across the street. She walks in without buying a ticket. This is clearly the same concert as the "Kids Wanna Rock" video. The video closes with Bryan Adams spotting EHC in the crowd, running off stage, (grabbing his jacket that he had taken off in the other video! Continuity!) but being unable to get outside because the doors are locked, or something. Then we see through a window that it is snowing outside.

Run to You - The video goes back and forth between Bryan Adams in concert and Bryan Adams standing alone in various weather conditions, including rainy, snowy, and "leafy." Eighties Hot Chick (EHC) meets Bryan Adams in the snow at the end of the video.

And that's the end of the saga, as far as I can tell. Pat is crazy.

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