Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Perfect, Perfect Game

The perfect game is the single greatest achievement that any pitcher can accomplish. It has only been done, I don't know, let's say 22 times. It probably would be really easy to look up, but I'm feeling really lazy right now. It's amazing that I'm writing anything at all. But let's get back on track: all of these 20 odd games are wonderful, and all of them happened in a slightly different manner. The question I have is this: what would be the theoretical PERFECT perfect game?

-27 strikeouts?


-27 pitches?

I initially leaned towards 27 strikeouts, because in order for the pitcher to only throw 27 pitches, he would need all the batters to swing at the first pitch every single time up. That would never happen. But then I thought of a third scenario: what if a pitcher was so good that he could throw the ball at (and hit) the bat (like in that one South Park episode, now that I think about it.) Then, catch the ball in the air to record the out. Then the pitcher would literally be doing all the work. He wouldn't even need the catcher!

Well, that's all I got. Man, this website is a waste of everybody's time.

1 comment:

  1. But Oakland, this blog isn't a waste of time! It provides countless hours of entertainment!
