Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The End of the Decade?

While at work today, I overheard an mind-numbingly boring conversation. Here's a quick summary:

Obviously, they were discussing the fact that, technically, the new decade does not start until 2011, since there was no year 0. Well, in my extreme boredom, I had a thought: Who gives a shit? I ask you, reader*, do you consider the year 1980 to be part of the 80's? 1960 to be part of the 60's? What's that? You do? Because everybody does? Yeah, that's what I thought. So who gives a shit if there was no year 0. It's a new decade, and anyone who says it isn't is a prick.

*I realize there are no readers of this blog.**

**If there were readers, they would probably recognize that I stole this whole asterisk-aside thing from Joe Posnanski. What can I say? Ya got me.

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