Friday, January 11, 2008

An Amazing True Story

Recently, I watched the movie "Bourne Ultimatum." During this movie, one of the characters dejectedly announces, "You can't make this stuff up." This reminded me that I hate all movies in which a character says something like that, because clearly you can make that stuff up. It isn't even hard. On another note here is a completely true story* that you couldn't make up about what Pat did between semesters:

One day, Pat decided to go to the top of 225 South Sixth, aka the Stanley Cup Building.

A strong gust of wind knocked him off of the top of the building. Luckily Pat was wearing a pair of baggy pants, and he was able to take them off and create a make-shift parachute out of them.

Pat managed to float gently down and land on the light rail, which took him to the Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport. Once there, he managed to sneak on to a plane heading for New Hampshire.

Once in New Hampshire, Pat voted for Ron Paul in the primary 20 times despite not being a resident of New Hampshire or a registered voter. After voting, Pat had an epiphany. Pat thought of a fool-proof plan to wipe out global terrorism simply using the principles of mechanical engineering. Pat quickly ran to Washington, D.C. where he forced a meeting with the President in the Pentagon's War Room. Unfortunately, just before he announced his plan for peace on Earth, he got into a fight with one of the officers over the deliciousness of roast beef sandwiches.

So Pat got kicked out of the War Room. Pat then stole a tank and drove it back to Minneapolis where he sold it for parts.

The End. Pat is Crazy.

*This story may be completely made-up. But really, who could make this stuff up?

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