Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Oakland's Vinyl Vault - This Is Johnny Cash

Hello again, gang! Sorry for the lack of posts recently, but it's been a crazy couple of weeks for me. Anyway, this time the randomizer has spit out a rare compilation album: it's This is Johnny Cash.

Release date: 1969
Singles: N/A

As you may know, I try to stay away from compilation albums. Nothing against them, but they're just not part of my vinyl collection plans. I'm fairly sure the only compilation albums I own on vinyl are this one and the previously reviewed So Far by CSNY. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure how I even got this album. I know I didn't buy it. I think it slipped into my collection from a former roommate during a move. Oops! I probably should have made an effort to give it back, but, well, I'm lazy and it's not exactly valuable or rare.

When this album came up I almost skipped it due to the reasons above. To be honest, I had never listened to it or even really looked at it, so when the randomizer picked it and I figured I should at least give it one spin. What I found out is that this is not your typical compilation album. By that I mean it's not a greatest hits album. In fact, only one and maybe none of the songs on this album would make the cut of a greatest hits album. The album doesn't even have its own Wikipedia entry!

So what the shit is on this thing? It's a nice mix of lesser known Cash songs. The big numbers are "I Still Miss Someone" and a cover of Dylan's "Don't Think Twice, It's All Right." It also has a studio version of the traditional song "Long Black Veil," which serves as a shining example of how great Cash was live, because the studio version is nowhere near as good as the live version heard on At Folsom Prison.

Rating: 4 thumbs up - This was a pleasant surprise for me. Johnny Cash truly was one of the great performers of our time, and his presence and charisma turn this somewhat generic compilation of songs into a very listenable album. It's certainly not a must-own or even a should-own as there are many great Johnny Cash albums out there, but I have no problem giving it a spin on my turntable from time to time.

One of the things that is great about Johnny Cash is that he always seems like he's having a good time. He's certainly got his share of joke songs. Well, here's another one: "Bad News."

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